Thursday 30 June 2011

Call for Special Issues

Call for special issue proposal

The editors of JOURNALSWORLD welcome proposals for special electronic issues on topics that fall within the scope of the journal. As JOURNALSWORLD is only able to publish six issues per year, the editors will seek to identify the proposals of the highest quality for publication.

Special issues of JOURNALSWORLD should offer either an authoritative review of current thinking and debates in a particular area, that at the same time takes these debates forward and/or a presentation of state-of-the-art analysis within an area of current approach and academic interest, which thus informs approach debate in this area. They should offer advance understanding of topics in the computer science and applications and provide pointers to future trends and challenges.

Each special issue is the responsibility of guest editor(s). Those wishing to guest edit a special issue should prepare a proposal as outlined below, then send this to On the basis of the proposal, the JOURNALSWORLD will decide whether or not the guest editor(s) should proceed with preparation of the special issue.

The proposals should:
  1. Set out the importance of the area and topics that the special issue will focus on;
  2. Explain the anticipated contribution of the special issue in advancing understanding in this area;
  3. Identify papers and authors for possible inclusion in the special issue, with a brief description of each paper. (These papers do not need to have been written at the time that the proposal is presented, although our assumption is that most will be based on work already in progress). Where a given author(s) has published extensively on a subject already, it is necessary to have some indication of the new contribution to be made by the proposed paper for the special issue;
  4. Indicate the time-scale in which the special issue could be produced (paper writing, reviewing, and submission of final copies to JOURNALSWORLD) assuming the proposal is accepted.

To assist the editors in understanding how the papers in the proposal would contribute to a coherent special issue, the proposal should include a matrix that:
  • Lists the key policy issues that the special issue intends to address
  • Shows which papers will contribute to our understanding of which policy issues.
  • This matrix can also act as a useful tool during the preparation of a special issue, by showing authors the overall context of the issue and how their paper is supposed to contribute to this.
  • An issue of JOURNALSWORLD shall contain ten papers. Proposals should include more possible papers than can be included in the eventual issue. This is so that the refereeing process can select the best 10 papers for final inclusion in the issue.

Most special issues will include some form of overview paper that sets out the key policy issues in the area concerned (with appropriate reference to existing literature) and summarizes the contribution of the special issue to furthering understanding of them. All papers within the special issue should address explicitly one or more of the policy issues highlighted in the overview paper. It should not just be left to the overview paper to draw out the policy implications of the assembled papers.

Editing a “Successful” Special Issue

Once a proposal has been approved in principle by JOURNALSWORLD, it is the responsibility of the Guest Editor(s) to deliver the soft copy of entire issue to JOURNALSWORLD within the agreed time-scale. Guest Editors must organize a reviewing process for all papers submitted for inclusion in the special issue, so as to:
  1. Identify those papers to be finally included in the special issue
  2. Strengthen these papers, so as to ensure the highest possible standards for the issue.
  3. Guest Editors should keep JOURNALSWORLD informed by e-mail of progress in preparing the special issue and in particular alert them in advance if agreed deadlines are likely to slip.
  4. Once the final selection of papers has been made and final versions (as per JOURNALSWORLD format guidelines) of all these have been received, the Guest Editors should send electronic copies (e-mail attachment) to

JOURNALSWORLD will then check the quality of the issue before publication. The Editors reserve the right to request a third review of papers and, if necessary, to request modifications to an issue before approving it for publication. However, the procedures set out above are designed to minimize the need for such measures.

Special Sections

JOURNALSWORLD also welcomes proposals for special sections within an issue of the journal (a total of 3-4 papers, including a brief introductory piece). The procedures for preparing proposals and editing “successful” special sections are the same as for special issues, with the exception of the number of papers involved.

Publication Charges

Publication charge will be same for each paper in the special issue/section as regular paper. Please check the "For Authors" section of JOURNALSWORLD website for details publication charge.  The details should be requested from

Critical Analyzer: Literature, Theory & Criticism (ISSN: 0975-5128)

The journal has an interdisciplinary approach. It focuses on transnational alliances like literature, theory & criticism networks, which have emerged as an important factor influencing international relations. Along with the theoretical issues on Diasporas, multiculturalism, globalisation, Hybridity etc. the journal covers classical and modern approach from different regions of the world, both in historical and contemporary perspectives. Among these networks, Indian Diaspora is the most recent one. The journal will focus and study by comparing and contrasting it with other literatures like Caribbean, Australian, Third World Literature. It will publish both theoretical and empirical research. However, it encourages comparative and policy perspectives for globalising international system. The focus areas of the journal include:
  • Literary Movements
  • Literary Criticisms and Theories
  • Literary Periods: Pre-19th Century; Romanticism; Realism; Naturalism; Modernism; Post-Modernism
  • Social History
  • Translations
  • Science Fiction
  • Multiculturalism
  • Feminism
  • Globalisation
  • Diaspora Studies
  • African-American Literature
  • Jewish-American Literature
  • Native American Literature
  • Frontier Literature/Wild West
  • Popular Culture
  • Environmental Aesthetics/Nature Writing
  • Visual Arts
  • Children’s Literature
  • Cyberpunk & Cyber Criticism

Critical Analyzer presents work of the highest quality in English literature, literary theory and cultural studies from the multidisciplinary and multicultural perspective that characterises the study of English in world literature. The aim of the journal is to publish substantial scholarly and critical interventions in a fast-developing field. A research journal, written by and for specialists from all parts of the disciplinary spectrum of English Studies in the entire world, Critical Analyzer is also addressed to the increasing number of academics interested in the dialogical and plurivocal development of their subject or who teach outside their own area of expertise. To this end, it also offers non-specialists examples of recent approaches and new ways of engaging the field of English studies. The journal places a high premium on readability, discussion of controversial issues and the inclusion of a wide range of perspectives. Critical Analyzer appears two times a year. Individual issues are devoted to specific themes but include a section devoted to interventions on timely 'key issues' in English Studies in the world literature. A substantial book review section keeps readers informed about new publications in the field, particularly where these challenge existing assumptions, or offer to make a difference to the practice of the discipline. 'The cause is Europe ... The cause is also English Studies in the broadest sense of that term ... Moreover, the cause is debate.'

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